Sunday, March 16, 2008

A fun day out with girls

PICTURE LEFT: Me looking like I'm still in my 20's! Ha-ha!

Yesterday was a great day! A good friend of mine was going up to Hilton Head for some shopping with her 12 year old daughter and asked if Stephie and I would like to come along for the day. Her AWESOME husband offered to watch the other 2 for me just so I wouldn't have to worry about finding a sitter for the day. It ended up being 3 moms and 3 12 year old girls. It was really a lot of fun! They spent about a half hour in the shoe store trying on silly high heels and clunky old "grandma shoes". Then they went to Claire's and spent about a half hour in there. Then we went to Limited 2 and found some AWESOME deals! $1.99 sale on all sorts of stuff. Stephie got a cute little I-pal thingy that she can hook her iPod up to for speakers for just a $1.99. She also bought a Kelly Clarkson CD for $1.99....can we say bargain shopper?! And what shopping trip is complete without a stop at Old Navy of course?! I had some serious shopping to catch up on for my boys and summer clothes but I also bought all three girls a pair of matching flip flops...because you have to have a pair of Old Navy flip flops to get you through the summer! :-) Of course with 6 girls out shopping we had to stop into the chocolate store for a treat. Even though I am not a big chocolate lover one of my greatest weakness's is chocolate covered strawberries! I mean, oh my word....the only thing missing with the chocolate covered strawberry is a little champagne bubbly and a room with my hubby...but I digress.

We then went out to lunch and just had an all around good day. We wanted to take the girls to the beach too but we just ran out of time. So sometime over spring break we have promised the girls a day at the beach, that will be nice! Then all the kids can come and I can start working on a tan! This old white body of mine needs some color! :-) Oh and you want to hear the best part of my day? I was checking out at the Eddi Bauer counter and the conversation went like this:
STEPHIE: Oh mama, I need a new hoodie can I get one here?
ME: Of course, those over there are on sale. Do you like them? Pick one out?
MAN BEHIND THE REGISTER: Did she just call you mama? You are not her mama?
ME: Yeah, she is mine....she's only 12 (knowing she looks older than she is these days)
MAN BEHIND THE COUNTER: Still, you must of had her when you were 10
ME: Ha-Ha...No, I was not 10 when I had her but I was only 19
LADY BEHIND THE COUNTER: You still don't look old enough for her to be your daughter
ME: Thanks!
Come on, what better complement than for someone to tell me I look like I am still in my 20's and 12 year old daughter is no where young enough to be mine!
Yes, yesterday was a good day!


Shan said...

Sounds like FUN! I will probably regret not having a girl to bargain shop with some day. You DO still look quite young! You just eat those comments right up because I USED to hear that but...sadly the wrinkles overcame all at once. BAH!

lillinda said...

Wait til your 50 and no one believes you ! Yummy !
Wait til your 30th class reunion and all the "stuck-up girls" look 60 ! Ha!Ha!
Life is fun !